Friday, August 14, 2009

I love my India

This is 15th August, a holy day for every Indian, resides anywhere in the world. Yes, today is the Independence Day of our great nation. Yesterday was Janmastumi, the birthday of lord Krishna and certainly was a holy day for the Hindus. I can remember the my past childhood 15th August experiences. We had to gather in the school very early in the morning. The teachers, usually the Headmaster of our school used to make the Flag flying. Then we, headed by all the teachers, had to go out for a long procession. After returning to the school again, we would get a breakfirst packet and that was our main attraction. After leaving the school, usually I have to spend the Independence day in home and perhaps I have to do the same today. This is the first time I'm writing a blog. I've started reading the blogs of Mr. Amitabh bachchan and he is the main inspiration behind this. At first I thought I'll write in the same blog site where Big B posts his blogs, but then I changed my mind as I thought that everyone should have his or her unique choice. I mean inspiration is good but not copying. This is enough for today and I think I've done a good job, keeping the fact in mind that this my first day here.

Jai Hind....